
In Between Important Generations

Hello! This is my very first blog, as many of you will see probably on how this will be published. I have chosen the name Philomath, which means a person who loves to learn, as it describes myself now. Before, i have always believed that you'll learn everything in school. Only to find out that the foundations taught were a small speck compared to what life can teach. I suppose we're on the same page on that. More than three decades passed and it struck me that there is so much to learn in the world, and nobody can stop anyone from learning. Just like this "blogging adventure", this is something new to me. I must admit that it gives me all the creeps how will this turn out. but hell, there's something i'll learn here for sure. So, what's a 36-year old doing here blogging? I started this blog with 4 reasons: Be able to express myself freely. Let out hidden thoughts and emotions. Improve my writing skills. People can express freely too on topics p